I’m back! (Honestly this time!)

So for anyone who has follows me, you may have noticed that it’s been a long, long time since I have written a post, a few months in fact- for that I apologise. I’m not going to get into too much detail, but a lot of things have happened these past few months that have made me lack the time and motivation to do things.
After a trip to the hospital that I may have mentioned in one of my previous posts, I took a break from writing posts for a couple of weeks, I then wrote a post saying I was back, well that didn’t actually happen. (Oops!)

Well now I am going to have some time freed up as I have finally completed my college course! (Hooray!) and I am feeling a lot better within myself to start doing this properly again.

Over the past few months I’ve gotten some new makeup, new books, new games, etc. so if you’ve liked my posts in the past there’s lots to look forward to within the future of this blog!

If anybody has any requests from the type of posts you would like to read, feel free to leave them down below.

Other than that, thank you guys for understanding, and hopefully my past followers will read my new posts and maybe we’ll get some new readers a long the way.

Bye for now!

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